I shared this on my personal Instagram and FB today and got lots of wonderful, supportive comments:
Ever since returning from our Italian vacation, I've felt...out of sorts. I don't know if it's the let down of coming back after much-needed time off. I don't know if it's my hormones (menopause is a whole thing!). I don't know if it's the shift in seasons. I don't know if it's because I'm an empty nester. I don't know if it's all of the above. Probably.
All I know is that I am pulling deep into yoga and Ayurveda to help me feel balanced again. Here's what I'm doing to move the needle:
*Cultivating sleep hygiene
*Home-cooked meals
*Kapala Bhati to stoke my agni
I know this shall pass, but the being in it still feels yucky. Be kind because you don't know what people are going through.
I have a pretty good idea why I'm feeling this way other than what I stated above. Tonight is a full moon and (yes, I'm going to go there!) full moons always seem to play with my mood. Also, I've cut way back on my hours in the studio and that shift in routine has my system off. Even though it's a good shift, it's going to take some adjustment.
For those of you who are feeling off, remember to breathe, move, meditate, allow yourself to feel instead of trying to cover it with busyness, and, above all, be kind to yourself and others.