We are in "Yucky Season"
You guys know by now that Ayurveda and Yoga go hand in hand, yes? Without Ayurveda, your yoga would just be a movement practice. ...
We are in "Yucky Season"
Live like an Italian
Are you on the list?
'Tis the season to hurkle-durkle
Yoga is not a movement practice
21st Century Life is A LOT…give yourself a break
take seat in your body
Blue Zones and blue door
This is not a dear john letter
The mis-use of yoga+ayurveda by the west
The ultimate life hack...spaciousness.
Keeping it real
Ego and grinding my teeth
Remission Feels So Good!
It's Our Birthday And We....
My Name Is Jesi...I Am An Imperfect Human
TMI...Is That A Thing?
Cultural Appropriation of Yoga
Reconciling Yoga's Woowoo-ness
No One Is Getting Out Of Here Alive