I've been thinking. I know everyone is shocked by this revelation. Over the last year or so, I've seen the writing on the wall: it's time to give blue door flight. Before you all begin to panic, this is NOT a Dear John Letter; we are NOT changing anything at blue door. I've just come to the realization that my 5th, and final baby, is all grown up 😊 blue door has a wonderful community and team. And, most importantly, it has a very unique and valuable message. It is a beacon and haven for everyone searching for inner peace and stability. I'm so proud of all the work we have done and will continue to do. In the beginning, blue door and Jesi were always synonymous, but lately our voices are shifting and diverging. My vision and voice will always be wrapped up in blue door, but I need to spread my wings. I need to voice my mission, not just blue door's. The mission of blue door always has been, and will continue to be, to bring traditional yoga+Ayurveda and healing to all members of our community. This is my broader mission as well. But my true passion lies in serving peri-menopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal women. I am seeing more and more imbalance and dis-ease in women. As we are told “we can have it all,” we are quickly losing our health and well-being. There is a price to having it all, and that price is balance. My goal is to help women crystalize what is worth having and what is worth letting go. In our over-achieving, push edges culture, saying no is not easy; and, most of the time, we don’t even know how to say it.
I always say women are the canary in the coalmine. We are the ones who experience inflammation and inflammatory diseases first. And these are on the rise. Our bodies are truly wonderful: they are always working on creating a balanced system, but when there is a war at every front, they are fighting a very difficult, and often, losing battle. We have unhealthy air, toxicity in our food and water, lack of rest time, lack of “true” social connection, and the list continues. Why are women more susceptible to this imbalanced environment than men? I believe, one of the reasons is that women have very different hormonal cycles than men. Men’s hormone cycles reset every 24 hours while women have a hormone cycle that (usually) resets after 28 days. Men get a fresh start every morning. Women have imbalance and toxicity that builds up for 28 days and then resets. Just sit with this information for a bit; I think it speaks volumes about the differences between men and women.
The saddest part about this is that most women don’t even know the difference in hormonal cycles between the genders. Without this key information, how do we even begin to find balance and health? THIS is what I feel compelled to share; all the knowledge that I have gathered over the last 8 ½ years of running blue door, all the research and trial and error while navigating my Rheumatoid Arthritis journey, and, now, the impact that (menopausal) hormones make in a woman’s well-being.
You can follow my musings on health, meditation, vagal nerve activation, nervous system, breath, yoga, mobility, Ayurveda, hormones, and whatever else tickles my fancy, on my new Instagram page: @jesimifsudwellness, because I have so much time in my schedule to manage another social media account (insert sarcasm). But I feel so strongly about the wealth of information that I have amassed, I am compelled to share it. I know, in my gut, that my audience needs to expand beyond blue door.