OMG, you guys, I LOVE blue door and our Chai Corner; it is everything I hoped it would be and more! The conversations are so thoughtful, deep, varied, relevant, personal.
Just in one day (yesterday), we discussed:
hormonal changes and changes to menstruation during perimenopause. And how heavy bleeding and light-headedness are NOT normal. We were even able to connect 2 students so they could share their journey with each other <3
pelvic health tightness for women and men (I showed everyone a cool way to release with therapy balls. Find it on blue door’s Youtube channel here: and the respiratory diaphragm and pelvic diaphragm working in unison (did you know you have a pelvic diaphragm?!?).
Ayurveda and the concept of “like increases like.” What the heck is that?!? Talk to me and I’ll school you.
dry skin and what Eminence products would be good for that.
your nervous system and how your body+cells hear every thought you have.
blue door’s training and why it is a training for how to live a better, more mindful life and not a training for how to become a yoga teacher (although that’s a nice byproduct).
gut health and how it informs everything that is going on in your body and nervous system. Spoiler alert, sugar is NOT your friend.
reflexology and why your feet are a central part of your health.
And that was just in ½ an hour! Whew.
One student expressed surprise when I told him that we have massage, reflexology, Ayurvedic Inflammation Consults, and more. I told him that wellness needs a multi-pronged approach and that is how I set up blue door. And, really, blue door was what I needed to help me through my dis-ease; it’s just a happy coincidence that everyone else needs and wants it also.
When I found yoga and manifested blue door, I not only found my livelihood, I found my life calling. Thank you for allowing me to live this wonderful life. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, doing anything else.
March 2023
PS I chose this pic because I’m dreaming of warmer days 😊